It would be very helpful in Outlook if I could rename attachments that I need to save in Neos when tagging an email. Now, if I want to include the attachment, I have to do that, then go into Neos and rename that document to our naming format. That is extremely frustrating as we get lots of attachments from clients, for example, that I would like to be able to save without performing multiple steps in multiple programs.
Bumping again because this is VERY important and useful and note marked for future consideration when it should be.
I see a lot of votes and comments on this one telling me it's important for many people. Could we work on getting this implemented ASAP to help with our jobs? This is more important than your AI stuff.
Like many things in Neos, the lack of this functionality adds unnecessary additional steps. Please implement as soon as possible.
yes. that would be ideal and complete the purpose of having that connection from email to documents tab. It doesn't save you from going in the file if you have to then go in the documents tab and label everything. especially when a client sends you a ridiculous number of pictures or copies of things they've received.
Please rename attachments to save in Neos when tagging while in Outlook
this would be greatly helpful in my job
Please hurry this would be very helpful.
Yes, please!
Would be so helpful
Please fix this!
Yes Please! This would make things easier when working in a case.
Been 3 years since the OP. Could we please get this implemented as soon as possible? We would greatly appreciate it.
This would be especially helpful as we use a certain syntax for naming our files. Please move this to the top of the list. Thank you.
Yes please! The ability to save attached documents straight into case docs from the Outlook addin is not usable for us if you can't edit the name of the document in same step. Not practical to have to remember to go back into case and find the same document and change the name.
So hard to believe this hasn't been implemented yet. It slows down everyone on the team and nobody wants to get stuck with the job of uploading DOCS. Neos has us doing so many unnecessary clicks and extra steps.
This is important. Not only do you have to go to the viewer and rename the document, the link in notes is not valid after you rename it, making that feature useless. Most of the time you don't want to save an attachment with the name it has on arrival. I just uploaded a letter from Geico with the document name "document". Police photographs arrive named only by a series of numbers.
Also, while you are adding a box to name the document, please add a box to create a document tag. You want to address everything about saving that document at one time.
I wish I could vote for this idea multiple times. This would enhance workflow greatly.